English Portfolio

My best friend:

Jesus Barbecho

My best frien is Jesus Barbecho. Hes is 15 years old. Jesus birthday is 1st August, his favourite colour is green and his favourite subject is P.E. His lucky number is 69 and Jesus has got two sister.


This weekend i go to the hotel, i do not like hotel is old and small.

                    Kiwi (Apteryx)

The Lumière Brothers

The Lumière brothers, Augusted and Louis Lumière to invented the film makers in 1895th .
The brothers Lumière they we born in French in 1862 and 1864.
The proyector was patented in 13, february in 1894.

The disaster of Fukushima

The damage in the nuclei of three reactors in Fukushima active fear of a desaster in Japan.
Operations to cool the three most damage facilities have failed so far.

Pose Japan's government reiterated that the levels of radioactivity, beyond a radius of 20km, no immediate risks.

The emperor Akihito urges calm the population and the Japanese government urges people not to buy more supplies.

1- Where is Ireland? Is an island in the eastern part of the Nord Atlantic.
2- How far is Ireland from New York? Ireland is 3000 miles far to New York.
3-Is West Virginia larger than Ireland? That's slightly larger than the state.
4- How many provinces has Ireland got? Ireland has got four provinces: Connacht, Munster, Leinster and and North Ireland.
5-How many counties has Northern Ireland got? North Ireland has got six countries.
6- What happened during the Great Potato Famine? In Great Potato Famine was died many people and others was emmigred.
7-What does the Irish flag symbolize? The Irish flag symbolize the Union of North and South space.
8- Why is Ireland called”The Emerald Isle”? Because the frequent rainfall resulting in lush greenery. It can rain 225 or plus in one year.
9- What does the shamrock symbolize? Shamrock are the Irish good-luck symbol.
10-How did St.Patrick explain the Holy Trinity? St.Patrick explained the Holy Trinity with the three leafes of the Shamrock.
11-What's the real national symbol of Ireland? The real national symbol of Ireland is the Celtic Harp.
12- What's the capital of Ireland? The capital of Ireland is Dublin.
13- How big is the Guinness factory? The Guiness factory is the largest stout brewery in the world.
14-Who established the Guinness company? The Guinness factory established in Dublin.
15- How many beers does an Irish drink every year? An Irish drink 131,1 litres of beer every year.
16- How many people kiss the Blarney stone every year? Over 400.000 people kiss the Blarney Stone every year.
17- Why are the Cliffs of Moher so famous? The Cliffs of Moher is famous for the west coast and the ravine that's middle 702 meters to the sea.
18- Where was St. Patrick born? On March 17th was worn St. Patrick.
19- How many people visit Ireland every year? 8 millions of persons visit Ireland every year.
20- How many people in the world say they have Irish ancestors? 80 million of persons in the world say they have Irish ancestors.

Marc: Do you know what happened to me monday?
Judith: No. What happened?
Marc: I was in street when I saw Eminem!
Judith: You're kidding! What did you do?
Marc: I introduced myself, of course!
Judith: Are you serious?
Marc: Yes!
Judith: I don't believe you!
Marc: Why not? It's true!


I watched "Avatar" last week. It's a film of specials effect
I liked the movie because the movie special effects like
My favourite actor is James Cameron is the main character


My name is David. I'm from Terrassa in Spain. There's lots of great food ,that you country!

For breakfast you should have milk with cocoa or milk with cereals. I should always drink milk for breakfast. You should also have cocoa milk and cereals for lunch.

For lunch or dinner, you should try macaroni or spaguetti o soup.You can also add some tomato.

For a sweet treat, you should have a chocolate cake o yogurt. It's made of milk, eggs, sugar, oil and chocolate.

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